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GAY BABY, GAY BABY GAY BABY! GAY BABY!: Where did the Slowjamz go???

Monday, November 19, 2007

Where did the Slowjamz go???

Does anyone remember slow jams? Remember the gay ass shit you would listen to when thinking about the one you were pursuing? Remember how you would pretend that it was actually you that was on "bended knee" and that there was so many complications preventing your love from blossoming? when really, the truth was that she just wasn't that into you b/c there was like 150 other guys in the same grade that were actually good at sports.

Well it seems times have changed. You don't see a slowjam culture like back in the day. Theres a lot of reasons for this:

Was it Celine Dionne? Did that titanic bullshit sink the genre all together. I must admit I liked that song but after a while I thought to myself "Are you fucking kidding me? I'm never listening to this shit again!!!"

Was it b/c boyz 2 men got old? Its weird listening to that kind of shit when you're a teenager. I wouldn't be surprised if some teenagers had to ask their older siblings what making love actually means. Thank Akon for that.

Was it indie music? Instead of sitting on the phone all night talking to the one they're pursuing, teenagers now slit their wrists and shit b/c life is way to overwhelming and love is something nobody can understand but them.

There is obviously a lot of reasons why slowjams aren't that popular anymore. To me, it was just growing up. I don't want hear about making love, I want to make love have sex. And I feel like there is plenty of other musicians, mainly emcees putting out quality "love" songs. A decent emcee can cram 10 times the amount of lyrical content and could create something way more artistic than Kci or JoJO could. So with that being said I leave you with a few of the most important emcees of the year sharing their thoughts on love.

Common - I want you

UGK Featuring Talib Kweli - Real Women

Lil Wayne - Pussy, Money, Weed

Talib Kweli - Hot Thing

1 comment:

Blog Mcblogerson said...

I miss the sweet days in elementary school when TLC and Boys II Men went on at elementary school dances cause I liked slow dancing and I put myself in the situation and I fell in love with whoever I was dancing with. Oh how I miss those days. I want to love.

Troc The Blog Nguyen