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Sunday, November 18, 2007

Body Surfing!

Recently I have been into body surfing and I have come to the conclusion that it is a fucking dope ass thing to do. Honestly, just fuckin body surf! Really, if you think about that shit, you can do it anywhere and anytime! You can do it at a house party, a pub/bar, concert, bowling, church, at Aldo, etc. You can't get mad at people for body surfing because all you do is smile at that person whos hating, drop the person you holding up in the air, lift the h8ter, and start body surfing them. Once their in the air, give them a little tickle and surely that will turn their frown upside down. The dopest part about it is that you can stick your fingers in any of the bodily orifices of the person your holding up. So don’t hesitate to put a finger in the mouth, anus, vagina, nostril, belly button, urethra, etc. Yeah, that might sound gross but you cares, just fuckin do it. First of all they will be having too much fun to even care about that shit, secondly, they will have no evidence that finger in their butthole was yours. Just make sure you keep your nails short in order to prevent poo getting stuck between you finger nails, and wash your hands you dirty whores. I suggest you start by starting off by picking up a small asian guy or girl. They are nice and light, won’t really get mad because their timid and shy. But if you’re looking to have some real fun, try body surfing a hardcore black guy. He will be giggling like a school girl in no time! Oh Yeah! Try body rolling. Its a little dance move that I picked up from a Vietnamese Jew. It involves rolling your hands down your body but that’s another story for another day!

Blogasaurous Rex


Blog Mcblogerson said...

JAJAJAJJAJAJAJ YESS MOAR BLOGZ!1ST COMMENT! i like this one, i knew i forgot to fo something before i left my house. i didn't get my nails!!!! guess wuts stuck in them/!!? ew\\\

John E. Blawgz

Blog Mcblogerson said...

If a girl comes up to me and is all in my grill tryin to have a baby wit me, i ain't even talkin to that skeeo if she aint body surfin, let it be known!


Yeun Jacques said...

I saw some people doing this at a club I frequent didnt know the name of it though. thnx man.